C1 Magazines

                                                                                                                          Tuesday 24th September 2024

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1. Representation - The description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way.

2. The first thing you can consider when looking at how something is represented.

3.  A stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

4. In media, there are 2 exams.

5.  Audiences.


A stereotype is a generalised representation of a person, place, or thing. They are limited and often offensive and used for comedy.

Grandmother- Always in pain, grumpy, needs glasses, needs a walking stick/ cain, sick, doesn't know how to use the internet, old, wrinkles, lives alone, sitting on couch all day, slow, knitting.

Nurse- Woman, young, kind, caring/motherly, weak, gentle.

Teacher- Man, wears glasses, 50 yrs old, short hair, formal clothes, strict, shiny and polished shoes, never smiles.

Private school boy- snobby, rich, posh, posh accent, spoilt, arrogant, gold, expensive watch, hair swept to side, well dressed.

Cornish man- Man, strong Cornish accent, fisherman.

In the trailer, the teachers fit the stereotype when they tell a student to 'TUCK THEIR SHIRT IN'. However, the stereotype is challenged when we see a young, FEMALE teacher (stereotypically, teachers are old males). The students were acting like three years olds as they had silly behaviours. 

Representations in magazines

Masthead-  The name of the publication. It is generally situated on the top third of the cover and will usually fit the whole page of the magazine. Some magazines will put the imge on top of the title (overlay).

Cover lines- Distributed around the main image without distracting from it too much. They often follow a colour scheme and are the same ont but vary in size, capitalisation and boldness.

Main Image- The biggest image on the magazine and is usually found in the middle of the magazine.Usually covers most of the page is of a major celebrity.

Main cover line- This is usually very large and promotes what the main feature will be. It usually coincides with the main image.

Puff- Eye- catching graphics that are used to draw attention to the text.

Colour palette - A chosen set of colours to be used on a graphic

Direct address - The audience spoken to.

Star vehicle - The use of a celebrity.

                                                                                                                    Tuesday 1st October 2024


1. Masthead -  The name of the publication. It is generally situated on the top third of the cover and will usually fit the whole page of the magazine. Some magazines will put the image on top of the title (overlay).

2. Cover lines.

3. Puff- Eye- catching graphics that are used to draw attention to the text.

4.  Whether it is positive or negative.

5. Stereotypes. 

1. Fresh, normal, happy.
2. confident, powerful, strong, pop-star.
3. elegant, beautiful, confident.

Gorgeous,  friendly, extrovert

On the girl's magazine the colours are brighter and there is a lot of pink, whereas in the men's magazine there is a darker colour scheme and a lot of blue and black.

The girl's magazine has a woman as the main cover image, whereas, the men's magazine has a man on the main cover image.

The girl's magazine is about glow- ups and how to look good/attractive, whereas, the men's magazine is about football.

On the woman's magazine, girls are represented as obsessed with their looks, always trying to attract men, obsessed with having a nice body. However, on the men's magazine, men are represented as obsessed with football, not interested in women, wearing tattoos, and serious about sport. They are also presented as very masculine due to his smart clothes, dark colours, and the fact that he's showing his wedding ring, showing that he is loyal to his wife, etc. Although the men's magazine cover supports the stereotypes it also challenges them. For  example it includes different themes such as jewelry.
